Nuthatches are one of my favourite small birds, they are easily spotted once an initial identification has been made, with a highly distinctive arrowhead like shape, and highway mans mask like stripe through the eyes.
Where ever there are Oak trees there is a high possibility you will find Nuthatches flitting form branch to branch with an endearing jittery nature that simply makes them fascinating to watch.
I tend to find myself more of a bird watcher than bird spotter, of course it is exciting when a bird you've not spotted before is seen, but I find I get so much more from simply observing the behaviour and nature of different species and building an understanding of just how unique each is.
Incidentally, where you see Nuthatches, it is also worth keeping and eye out for Treecreepers, I find they often exist side by side in the same haunts, and while perhaps not as pretty as Nuthatches, display some of the most unique and fascinating behaviour.